31 May 2023

Smuggler - An HTTP Request Smuggling / Desync Testing Tool

An HTTP Request Smuggling / Desync testing tool written in Python 3


This tool does not guarantee no false-positives or false-negatives. Just because a mutation may report OK does not mean there isn't a desync issue, but more importantly just because the tool indicates a potential desync issue does not mean there definitely exists one. The script may encounter request processors from large entities (i.e. Google/AWS/Yahoo/Akamai/etc..) that may show false positive results.


  1. git clone https://github.com/defparam/smuggler.git
  2. cd smuggler
  3. python3 smuggler.py -h

Example Usage

Single Host:

python3 smuggler.py -u <URL>

List of hosts:

cat list_of_hosts.txt | python3 smuggler.py


usage: smuggler.py [-h] [-u URL] [-v VHOST] [-x] [-m METHOD] [-l LOG] [-q]
[-t TIMEOUT] [--no-color] [-c CONFIGFILE]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Target URL with Endpoint
-v VHOST, --vhost VHOST
Specify a virtual host
-x, --exit_early Exit scan on first finding
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
HTTP method to use (e.g GET, POST) Default: POST
-l LOG, --log LOG Specify a log file
-q, --quiet Quiet mode will only log issues found
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Socket timeout value Default: 5
--no-color Suppress color codes
Filepath to the configuration file of payloads

Smuggler at a minimum requires either a URL via the -u/--url argument or a list of URLs piped into the script via stdin. If the URL specifies https:// then Smuggler will connect to the host:port using SSL/TLS. If the URL specifies http:// then no SSL/TLS will be used at all. If only the host is specified, then the script will default to https://

Use -v/--vhost <host> to specify a different host header from the server address

Use -x/--exit_early to exit the scan of a given server when a potential issue is found. In piped mode smuggler will just continue to the next host on the list

Use -m/--method <method> to specify a different HTTP verb from POST (i.e GET/PUT/PATCH/OPTIONS/CONNECT/TRACE/DELETE/HEAD/etc...)

Use -l/--log <file> to write output to file as well as stdout

Use -q/--quiet reduce verbosity and only log issues found

Use -t/--timeout <value> to specify the socket timeout. The value should be high enough to conclude that the socket is hanging, but low enough to speed up testing (default: 5)

Use --no-color to suppress the output color codes printed to stdout (logs by default don't include color codes)

Use -c/--configfile <configfile> to specify your smuggler mutation configuration file (default: default.py)

Config Files

Configuration files are python files that exist in the ./config directory of smuggler. These files describe the content of the HTTP requests and the transfer-encoding mutations to test.

Here is example content of default.py:

def render_template(gadget):
RN = "\r\n"
p = Payload()
p.header = "__METHOD__ __ENDPOINT__?cb=__RANDOM__ HTTP/1.1" + RN
# p.header += "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" +RN
p.header += gadget + RN
p.header += "Host: __HOST__" + RN
p.header += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36" + RN
p.header += "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" + RN
p.header += "Content-Length: __REPLACE_CL__" + RN
return p

mutations["nameprefix1"] = render_template(" Transfer-Encoding: chunked")
mutations["tabprefix1"] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding:\tchunked")
mutations["tabprefix2"] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding\t:\tchunked")
mutations["space1"] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding : chunked")

for i in [0x1,0x4,0x8,0x9,0xa,0xb,0xc,0xd,0x1F,0x20,0x7f,0xA0,0xFF]:
mutations["midspace-% 02x"%i] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding:%cchunked"%(i))
mutations["postspace-%02x"%i] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding%c: chunked"%(i))
mutations["prespace-%02x"%i] = render_template("%cTransfer-Encoding: chunked"%(i))
mutations["endspace-%02x"%i] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding: chunked%c"%(i))
mutations["xprespace-%02x"%i] = render_template("X: X%cTransfer-Encoding: chunked"%(i))
mutations["endspacex-%02x"%i] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding: chunked%cX: X"%(i))
mutations["rxprespace-%02x"%i] = render_template("X: X\r%cTransfer-Encoding: chunked"%(i))
mutations["xnprespace-%02x"%i] = render_template("X: X%c\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked"%(i))
mutations["endspacerx-%02x"%i] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r%cX: X"%(i))
mutations["endspacexn-%02x"%i] = render_template("Transfer-Encoding: chunked%c\nX: X"%(i))

There are no input arguments yet on specifying your own customer headers and user-agents. It is recommended to create your own configuration file based on default.py and modify it to your liking.

Smuggler comes with 3 configuration files: default.py (fast), doubles.py (niche, slow), exhaustive.py (very slow) default.py is the fastest because it contains less mutations.

specify configuration files using the -c/--configfile <configfile> command line option

Payloads Directory

Inside the Smuggler directory is the payloads directory. When Smuggler finds a potential CLTE or TECL desync issue, it will automatically dump a binary txt file of the problematic payload in the payloads directory. All payload filenames are annotated with the hostname, desync type and mutation type. Use these payloads to netcat directly to the server or to import into other analysis tools.

Helper Scripts

After you find a desync issue feel free to use my Turbo Intruder desync scripts found Here: https://github.com/defparam/tiscripts DesyncAttack_CLTE.py and DesyncAttack_TECL.py are great scripts to help stage a desync attack


These scripts are released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.

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How To Automatically Translate Any Android App Into Any Language

There is the number of applications which are not having the features of translating apps to your favorite languages. This makes it difficult for the users to translate apps into their native language. Today, I am going to tell you about an application which will help you to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language.
Nowadays there are around hundreds of application on play store which is having the feature of translate but some applications don't have this features. This is just because they don't have proper developers or sometimes translators.
There is an application launched by Akhil Kedia from XDA Developer which made it possible for all the users to translate the application to any language you need. This is something which everyone needs it.
Akhil Kedia built an Xposed module in which users can easily change the language of any application to whichever they like or love. Personally, we all love English language but there are peoples in many parts of the world they are suitable for other languages.
Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language
Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language

Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language

The best part about this Xposed Module is that it translates the application to any language whichever you like and there are around many languages which you can try it. The other best part about this application is that the user interface which is amazing.
In an Android application, the best thing is the user interface. This is something which helps users to download the module or application to run again and again. There are about many settings which can be changed from the application.
The setup process is a bit different from other applications but if you will look at the application you will definitely love it. Just because of too many settings and features available in the application and you can turn it to any language without any crashing issues of the application.


  • Rooted Android Phone
  • Xposed Framework installed on your phone.
  • Android 5.0 or higher.
  • Unknown Source enabled (You might be knowing it)
How to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language
  • Download the module called as All Trans from here: Download
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Now, after installation, it will ask you to reboot your phone to activate the module
  • Now, you need to get the API Key to get it you need to sign up with Yandex first so sign up: Yandex Sign up
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Then after sign up you will get the API key just enter the API key in the All-Trans application.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Open All Trans Application and the swipe right to Global Settings.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Click on Enter Yandex Subscription key and then enter your key.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • In Global Settings click on Translate from and select the Language the application is already in. (Eg: English)
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Now, click on translate to and select your favorite language. This will change the language.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • Swipe left and select the applications which you need to translate and done.
Automatically Translate Any Android App
  • After selecting just open the application and the language is translated automatically.
Automatically Translate Any Android App

Final Words:

This is the best and easy way to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language. I hope you love this article.Share this article with your friends and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and I will meet you in the next one.
Stay Updated Tune IemHacker

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5 Free Online Courses To Learn Artificial Intelligence

We are living in the era of fourth industrial revolution(4IR), where Artificial intelligence has a significant role to play. This 4IR technology embedded within societies and even into the human body. From Computer enthusiasts to common people, everyone should be aware and learn this breakthrough technology.
We think about gigantic Robots from Transformers when we hear about Artificial Intelligence(AI) which is a fiction in the past but a fact today, capable of transforming the whole tech world. The field of AI consists of more than Robots such as personal assistants, self-driving cars, apprenticeship learning, behavior cloning and so on. To learn about this advanced technology, thanks to the online learning resources which offers great content to get started with artificial intelligence.

Here are the 5 free e-learning courses on Artificial Intelligence

1. UC Berkeley CS188 Intro to AI

Get started with UC Berkeley AI course, this course is absolutely for beginners who are unaware of Artificial intelligence. It doesn't need any prior computer knowledge to know about AI. UC Berkeley allows anyone to learn this course for free. This course is systematically presented and consists of the following:
  • Course Schedule
  • Complete sets of Lecture Slides and Videos
  • Interface for Electronic Homework Assignments
  • Section Handouts
  • Specs for the Pacman Projects
  • Source files and PDFs of past Berkeley CS188 exams
  • Form to apply for edX hosted autograders for homework and projects (and more)
  • Contact information
Aside from this, you can also browse the following courses as well from UC Berkeley that are part of AI course:
  • Machine Learning: CS189, Stat154
  • Intro to Data Science: CS194-16
  • Probability: EE126, Stat134
  • Optimization: EE127
  • Cognitive Modeling: CogSci131
  • Machine Learning Theory: CS281A, CS281B
  • Vision: CS280
  • Robotics: CS287
  • Natural Language Processing: CS288

2. Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques

This course is offered by Stanford with great content that includes topics, videos, assignments, projects, and exams. The whole course mainly focuses on the complex real-world problems and try to find similarity between web search, speech recognition, face recognition, machine translation, autonomous driving, and automatic scheduling. Here you will learn the foundational principles of AI and implement some the AI systems. The goal of this course is to help you tackle the real-world situations with the help of AI tools. So, it is the best for the beginner to get started with AI.

3. Learn with GOOGLE AI

Who will dislike the course from Google? absolutely no one. This company is one of the early adopters of AI has a lot to offer to learners. Learn with Google AI is an education platform for people at all experience levels, it is free to access and browse content. The education resources provided by Google is from the machine learning experts of the company. These resources are the collections of lessons, tutorials, and Hands-on exercises that help you start learning, building, and problem-solving.

4. MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars

This course gives the practical overview of Deep Learning and AI. It is the course for beginners, also for the people who are getting started with Machine Learning. The course also offers a lot of benefits to the experienced and advanced researchers in the field deep learning. This MIT's course takes people into the journey of Deep Learning with the applied theme of building Self-Driving cars. However, the course also offers slides and videos to engage the learners.

5. Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision

This course is offered by Nvidia and Nvidia Deep learning Institute. Computer Vision is one of the disciplines of AI that acquire, analyze, process, and understand images. The course is completely free and everyone who is enthusiast about AI can access and learn the course. It is a hands-on course that able to provide basics of deep learning and deployment of neural networks. With this. you will also learn the following:
  • Identify the ingredients required to start a Deep Learning project.
  • Train a deep neural network to correctly classify images it has never seen before.
  • Deploy deep neural networks into applications.
  • Identify techniques for improving the performance of deep learning applications.
  • Assess the types of problems that are candidates for deep learning.
  • Modify neural networks to change their behavior.

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